Even depressing current events have another, funnier, side when seen through the eyes of cartooninsts. The collection of cartoons in this webpage, updated at irregular intervals, are from the main Greek daily TA NEA to which I am indebted to a large part for accessing daily their cartoons on the Internet.
In November 1999, Clinton was scheduled to visit Greece. His trip was initially postponed and later cut short, because of massive demostrations...
One week before Clinton's visit to Athens:
Simitis (the Greek Prime-Minister): But who invited killed
Serbs to Clinton's reception?!!
The other guy: It seems the dead Iraqi kids,
Days before Clinton's visit, the Washington Post accused the Greek government of having links with the November 17 terrorist organinzation...
Simitis: Me?!! How could I ever have any relations with
Clinton: Then how come you have relations with war
NEW SERBIA: And who are you?
USA: I am the butcher of Vietnam, the strangler of Cuba, the
bomber of civilians in Iraq and Kosovo, and the guilty party for
the division of Cyprus!
– Slobodan Milosevic! You are accused of commiting crimes against humanity without our approval!...
– Milosevic is a war criminal! That's what the International Law
– ... And what they say about Might makes Right is bullshit!
– Are you sure?
– After this nightmare you bet we will retaliate!...
– But again?... We had retaliated in advance!...
Middle East Civilians: God have mercy on us! The American lost two rooks!
– Hasan, do your remember a Bin Laden that they had given us some years ago? Eh, they want him back!
– Clash of Civilizations?! What civilizations??
– Do you understand now, you dummy, what is a superpower?
– He understnds it! Now stop it! Let the kid alone!
– Yes, but now, auntie, I am teaching him what is the position
of the Third World.
("Smart" Bomb): People of Iraq. We bring you Democracy,
Freedom, Peace.
Non-Combattants: If it's a smart bomb, why does it say
stupid things?
– We are winning Basra, Umm Qasr, Kirkuk!
– We are losing New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco!
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